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September 1st came faster than I thought. August was a busy month and a blur. From moving into the new house, to my 30th Birthday, to the Back To School Drive, I’ve had zero time to sit down and connect with you, my Blog readers. Lets catch up...

​Business is... Business, still an underground king riding dirty. No consigns, no investors, no celebrity clout. Just direct-to-consumer sales from the site and a pop up every now and again. Slow grinding til I can finesse more overhead capital to fund more projects and ideas. I’m styling more shoots and connecting with more and more people that love my style. Only thing i hate is how everyone is dictating what’s what by the likes and followers people have. Shit isn’t even high quality but if you have the following you can regurgitate that bullshit and get rich off it while real artists starve. Clout worse than crack in 2018. 

Mentally, I’ve never felt more in tune creatively and with the things I want for myself. I’m literally manifesting my dreams with positive affirmations and abiding by the law of attraction and the spiritual laws of circulation. You give positive vibrations and those vibrations return to you. Do good the more good comes to you. Also I’ve adversly gotten rid of all negative vibrations; things, or people that give me a feeling of uncertainty. I find that choosing and affirming the good in your life is much healthier for your mental than enduring things that you do not know are good or bad for you... consciously choose good feelings all the time. life’s to short for “on the fence” feelings. Well for me atleast. 

Socially, I’ve accepted my role in certain relationships/friendships as a Support role. We all want to be that lead role but I’ve learned to not force anything with anyone. And one of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn in life is that some people do not value you or your time the same as you do theirs. Sometimes the goalposts move as people grow. Sometimes you’re in a persons life to prepare them for their next lesson or to repeat the last. That’s with friends, lovers, and even family. So instead of me feeling at a lost in learning this lesson the hard way. I changed my perspective and see things as knowledge gained instead. Learning what I want and don’t want for myself and my future. Seeing what signs should have been red flags before, that I no longer overlook. Being more accountable for my shortcomings, communicating better, being mindful of my actions and the reactions they cause. I’m growing and failing forward. 

I’m proud of my gotdamn self and other than selling my Old School for drastically lower than what it was worth, Life is Good. 

Ain’t no complaints.