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Let Go. & Let God.

When I decided to work on myself and focus on bettering me it wasn’t for anyone’s approval or to be better than anyone else. I chose to change my ways and habits to be a better man for myself. Knowing that I have flaws and choosing to do something about them regardless if someone pointed them out or noticed them I knew I wanted to be a better Boooogie. At the time the person I was dealing with brought a lot of insecurities out of me and that was a major issue within myself that I would never allow myself to do again. Figuring out the emotional connection and how my emotions affect me as a man, no longer a boy who shielded those emotions was eye opening and the growth mentally that came after is something I now cherish. Lessons learned and I’m a better man because of it all. I put the work in and continue to work on myself daily. I’m at an age where time is of the essence, and the playing around and wasting of my time with people I don’t necessarily value or don’t value my presence as I do theirs isn’t conducive to my growth. So I let go and I let god. Can’t make anyone do anything they don’t want to do but I can be a better me, for me.

GoonMilk Message of the day via Pastor Keith Battle