If you have been following me via social media or keeping up with the blog, you know I just got back from Vegas checking out the different apparel trade shows; Magic, Agenda, Capsule, and Liberty Fairs. Three day trip of 24 hour Marijuana Dispensaries, A lil ass Ford Focus Rental, and a Hotel across the street from Floyd Mayweather's Strip club "Girl Collection" that we didn't even go to, but I digress. The trip's highlights were more so brand exposure and seeing these "Machine" driven brands look similar to mine, the only catch is, Im an Independent brand, doing everything myself. Had me thinking; why don't I have a team, or a huge backing from celebs, or a goofy lil influencer to wear my gear like all these supposedly great brands have? My answer is going to sound stubborn, big headed, and ill-informed, but I simply just believe in Me and Me only. Its hard building with people who don't share your vision or have a vision not in line with yours, even harder to build a team in a time its nearly impossible to get even my closest friends to buy and wear tees all at once for a function. Sorry Im rambling on again but its true...

Back to the trip.

Last day of the Agenda Show and Tim misses his flight. Ends up staying the day and flying home on my flight. We hit the Agenda trade show and its damn near empty besides the brands there on display and their team members. We walk around a bit just to connect with a few brands and try to network. Hour in and were ready to roll out and hit the dispensary and as were heading for the door here comes some white guy running up asking about my jean jacket. Kind of threw me off I thought he thought we stole something the way he ran up on us. But low and behold its Scott Langton. Now Im not gonna act like I knew who it was when it happened. I didn't. In fact before tonight I hadn't even done my googles or looked up his info from the business card and personal card he basically made me take. After a short convo about me and my brand with his team and them taking pics of me and my jacket. He offers me an exclusive collaboration with him and his Punk Royal Brand. Not gonna lie until tonight I thought this was some bullshit and I hadn't even looked up their site. But now that I have I am bouncing off the fucking ceiling! I emailed him immediately and plan on calling a few times tomorrow to lock in this masterpiece coming. So I said all that to say this...

Do your Googles people!

Scott Langton.

Phat Farm Head Designer hired by Russle Simmons himself

Hired as Design Director of Sean John in 2004 when Sean John was Awarded the CFDA Men's Designer Of The Year

VP of Design at Ecko Unlimited

Created Artful Dodger...




