Im evolving.

Took a couple days to really bask in it, and I must say it feels good to see goals accomplished, personal growth, and affirmations being brought to fruition. Just last year I was telling myself I want to style, I want to be in Magazines, I will be known for my style and fashion sense. Never would I imagine little less than 10 months later, all those things would be happening. Last week I was featured in my first editorial magazine.

Mind-blowing to me.


ANON Magazine published my Mastered shoot at Rucker Park with Rebecca, Jennifer, and the homies from earlier this year. Now ANON isn't a very large publication, but a publication none the less, and my name, brand, and face are now officially published. A major bucket list type goal, and  Im just now finding the words to describe how I feel now that I've crossed it off the list. To b perfectly honest I just want to work harder and get more and more accomplished. I feel like I have too many talents and the world just now getting to crack the seal on what I have to offer. My confidence is through the roof and life is truly lit.




kAT'S oUT tHE bAG!