DNDDecember week 1
After a week of not indulging in social media I feel utterly better off. My journal holds all my would be tweets about my interpersonal life and I feel more focused, and less obligated to have to share my thoughts with people. It feels like when you have gum and no one sees you with it so you don’t have to share in a class room full of people needing a stick of spearmint. Before I was a fucking candy store just sharing everything with anyone who would enter my realm of bullshit 140 characters disguised in pseudo intellect.
As well as being more aware of my thoughts and how they affect myself and those around me. I’m learning to just shut up and listen. You learn much quicker that way. Being left to my books and YouTube for entertainment I’ve fallen back in love with the written word. My journal is halfway full and I’m Reading two books at a time. Mark Manson’s “Everything is Fucked” and Dick Gregory’s Autobiography “Nigger”. Both equally interesting and worthwhile. I’ve even put a lock on my social media screen times so that even if I get tempted to tweet or scroll IG for too long it kicks me off automatically. Gotta love Apple technology lol.
But on a more serious note life feels better, I feel more in tune with who I am and what I’m really doing with my life right now. I know it’s only been a week but the relinquishing of all the seemingly obligatory status updates and posts that more than likely go ignored or better yet drowned out by everyone else’s bullshit, is a freedom I haven’t indulged in, in far too long. Because who really cares? Those that do; know how to reach me personally, and those who don’t, don’t even notice I’m gone til they need something. It’s an easy fix to see who’s in your life really, and who’s just watching from a screen. I thought I would lose business but no, orders still coming in, people still need tees and printing and know how to get in contact other than DM’s. I thought I would need to express myself more often but my journal is a much better resource. Giving privacy and a sense of self awareness rather than counting on the understanding of total strangers to relate to me. Taking notes and making my own handwritten reminders keeps me on task and productive. So much that I’m beginning to entertain writing again. Figuring out just what to write about is the real problem though lol. I suggest everyone try journaling and taking a break from Social media, it’s good for you I promise!
side note understanding Nietzsche’s Amor Fati ideology is really interesting… Mark Manson breaks down these things almost seamlessly in “Everything is Fucked”. its a Great read!