Art is the Future
I’ve decided I’m an Artist now. The Artist formerly known as Uhvawntay. I’m taking commissions and working on my first Art show. Honing in on what style I want to make my own, and sharpening the creative side of my mind. It’s about time for a reinvention of myself. Did Basketball, Did the Party scene and Gogos, had fun, Studied Fashion, Started my business, Got a Masters in Fashion Styling, Branched off into printing and apparel, Partnered in to my own shop, now I’m ready for what’s next in leaving my legacy. My Art is a direct correlation to what motivates me, people that have influenced me and some that just feel good to create. I sold my first canvas this week and I think that lit a new fire for creating within me.
I’ve began a Portrait a day challenge for the month of May. Not only is this keeping me focused and building my skillset but also showing people my talents on a daily basis. Not many people know I can draw or have an artistic side. My OCD kept me from keeping a sketch pad because I hate eraser marks 🤷🏽♂️. Digital artwork is the future, and I want to be one of the pioneers for this new wave of technology and art.
Download the Artivive app and Scan this Photo!
Im sure we’ve all heard of virtual reality but there’s not many of us that know how to harness that technology and use it for ourself. Not only do I want to do so but I also want to build that bridge between technology and branding, and art. There’s a gold rush going on in the art and technology world dealing with Cryptocurrency and NFT’s (Non Fungible Token’s) and I want in. The best way I can describe what’s going on is relating it to video games. For instance Fortnite; a free game you download but pay for collectible suits, guns, etc. Okay now think of NFT art as the rare collectible suit on Fortnite but nobody can have the original but you. And every time someone wants the suit the person who created it gets 10% of each sale. But they’re selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars!
Basically I want to be the suit maker. NFT artwork is only attainable through Cryptocurrency like Fortnite uses it’s own coin for purchases that must be bought through Fortnite. Cryptocurrency is the same thing, digital currency that fluctuates just like the stock market that is bought and recorded on a Blockchain.
The NFT art craze is happening right now where people are bidding on Collectible digital art pieces for Millions of dollars using Cryptocurrency and fueled by Social Currency or ”your following”. Popular Artists like Takashi Murikami have sold NFT pieces from upward of $100,000 in cryptocurrency for a single artwork in minutes.
The unlimited possibilities, the rareness, the creative juices flowing through your body. It’s contagious. I’ve created a few NFT pieces that are not available for purchase just yet but trust they’re coming. I have also been creating possibilities for other brands to capitalize off virtual Reality and digital art, that I will dive deep into in another post.
Takashi Murakami first NFT collection
Art is the future.
As far as what I have planned for my Artwork, you’re gonna have to wait until my Artshow but here’s a sneak peak at the capabilities. Also this is my first actual canvas of my work. I’m pretty proud of myself excuse the grainy iPhone camera footage lol.