As 10 Million plus of you know, or may not know my ID photos recently went viral on the internet lol. My 2018 and 2024 IDs caused a frenzy of hilarious commentary on Twitter first and then IG this week. From “he’s a crackhead” to “the difference between doing weed and doing coke”, to “Thats what living in Maryland will do to you”. All quite hilarious to me and those who know me, but I’d like to give some background on the actual factuals.

  1. Never done hard drugs in my fucking life! I was high on weed in the first ID photo in 2018 (clearly). Those that know me know I’ve been sober the last 8 months after choosing to quit smoking weed completely due to me raising my son and how much he mimics everything I do and being high around him just didn’t feel right. From being a heavy weed smoker for the past 15 years to quitting cold turkey, I am extremely proud that I don’t look like that first pic anymore.

  2. Stress has nothing to do with the difference in photos, I am so much happier with life and my family and my accomplishments now in 2024 than I was in 2018. I’m married, own place, own car, family growing and healthy with a thriving business in photography, and loving my job im blessed to do every single day. I was more stressed in 2018 than ever with none of the aforementioned accomplishments.

  3. My eyes change color, they’re a totally different shade lighter than the 2018 photo. My eyes change colors all the time from brown, to green, to hazel, to grey. My eyebrows have always been super thin. People telling me go to the doctor and get my thyroid checked and Im literally the healthiest I’ve been my entire life. Juicing, exercising when I can and eating my vegetables. I think I look healthier with smoother skin. My shocked expression is really due to not having my glasses on and the flash going off before I expected it to because theres no countdown just “turn and take the pic”, Boom.

  4. I needed a shapeup my mustache do look wild lol. My locs are braided and pulling my hairline back further than what it is. 🤷🏾‍♂️

    I like my before and after photos and glad I posted it and went Viral. One thing about me, Im probably the most self confident person you gonna run into so nothing someone who doesn’t know me can say thats gonna hurt my feelings or make me feel any less than what I already know I am. And I’m the last person you want to try to make fun of and put on blast cause Im just gonna use it to my advantage and put it on a T-shirt, you really cant pay for this type of Free Promotion. So thank you Twitter, Memezar, OnlyinDMV, DMVHoodzandNewz, you just turned my website views up and sent me more prospective clients. Thank you to everyone who sent it my way; Me, Ash and even my Mom have been receiving DMs and texts all week from concerned friends and family making sure I saw it lol. I appreciate everyone in the comments taking up for me and tagging me. The positive messages and love I received was really the biggest compliments ever. Trust me I saw it all and loved every second of this experience. T-shirts available in the Shop now!

Just another way to prove I’m G.etting O.ut O.f N.egative S.ituations #GOONS!


Phoenix’s 1st Day


Life Lately