Soufside Market
Each and Every Saturday 10-4pm located at 2510 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Washington DC.

GoonMilkTV vol.16 “Do The Work.”
This episode of GoonMilkTV is dedicated to the amazing job done within the community by Azel Prather and the Prather Foundation! Providing positive vibes for not only his students but for kids all around the DMV area. Being praised by countless News outlets, featured on Ellen, and still having the time to host events, clubs, parties and comedy shows! Azel is the definition of Doing the Work! Proud to not only call Zel my friend but even more proud because he’s family! Watching him come into his own lane with these kids as well as comedy and everything else has motivated me and countless others around the area and country. Shoutout to all those that made all this possible, it takes a village, a dream village.

Trials and Tribulations
This passed week was a literal week from Hell. Anything that could go wrong did, and with each L came a lesson right along with it.

3rd Annual Zelf on the Shelf!
Extremely proud of my cuzzo Azel Prather Jr., he’s hosting his third annual “Zelf on a Shelf” this Friday along with a self care day for his KIPP students where Barbers, Beauticians, and nail techs are coming into the school to give the kids makeovers for christmas! Last year he raised enough money through social media to get gifts for 340 students at his school. Surpassing the 26 kids he actually teaches. Zel was also featured on channel 9 News this passed weekend giving him even more of a spotlight for his The Prather Foundation and what he does everyday for those kids.