By Any Means Necessary
G.O.O.N.S. SZN 6 2019 first release January 15th!
Paying Homage to a few iconic figures that have influenced me in one way or another to Get Out Of Negative Situations. Most importantly they’ve influenced entire generations to do the same whether it be through activism, music, or by any means necessary. the first collection begins with ties to my fight against police brutality and the judicial system theme including mugshots of aforementioned celebrities and figures of great influence. The choice of using the mugshot photos was to emphasize that; yes they’ve been in trouble before, but they’ve also gotten out of those negative situations and on to do great things regardless of their circumstances.
Starting the collection with Tupac Shakur, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and Snoop Dogg with more to come in the coming months. Also look forward to a few Black History month exclusives to drop next month as well.
Check out the first drop below!