G.O.O.N.S. Workouts 11am Monday - Saturday!
Everyday but Sunday Me and Eli have been hosting morning workouts in the garage to stay fit and healthy during this pandemic. Started with just us and Tim and gradually John and Tae became regulars as well. Having the gang around definitely motivates me to keep going and to have fun with it.
Check out GoonMilkTV vol.21
Daily workouts led by Coach E and Boooog Monday - Saturday 11am (Weight Lifting, Cross attaining, Core/Cardio, Basketball Drills) in Accokeek, MD
Hit the Contact page if you wanna join in some time. Male and Females welcomed, and its Free 6 days a week. In the event there were a high number of participants the proper social distancing precautions will be enforced as best as possible using open fields and 6 ft spacing.
Shouout to the GANG