The Winner of the #DrawAGoonChallenge is…..
This contest was one of the best ideas I’ve had this year and really connected a lot of artists and art enthusiast to not only the brand but to dope artists not only around the area DMV area but the world! The goal was to network and fuel collaboration through art and not some marketing ploy to gain from unbeknownst consumers. The entire competition was organic and just a creative way to pass the time. I’m glad we did this and there will be many more! Until then go place your @AmariDanielle x GoonMilk Shirt orders!

#DrawAGoonChallenge Submissions 1-8 are 🔥
Cant even lie you guys are coming with some heat! The first 8 submissions are from a few of some of my favorite artists and a few i’m just getting into and that was the goal; to inspire are from any and everyone and promote each other while were on this lock down. Im excited to work with you all in some way or another if ou don’t win the challenge! Keep bringing the heat!