Slime SZN
With everything going on in a black man’s head these days it shouldn’t be a question as to why one would risk his life for a vacation… we risking our lives any other day might as well spend it on a beach with a beautiful woman and a blunt. And truth be told I enjoyed every second of it, yeah it was risky, yeah the numbers went up, yeah they closed the strip clubs back up, but nonetheless I ate/drank/smoked good, saw things I always wanted to check out, and spent it with people I care for and care for me. Shoutout B and Brandee for the hospitality, and a big thank you to Big Kota for just riding with a nigga, you guys made the trip worthwhile! Got some great footage and gonna make a movie out of it all soon…

First and foremost I just want to say Fuck the United States of America for making the fourth a holiday and just now recognizing Juneteenth. Secondly we as a people still aren’t free after 400 years of slavery, 100 years plus of oppression, systematic racism and hate. Racism didn’t end they just started throwing rocks and hiding their hands, hiding behind badges instead of hoods. The entire world is paying attention now and we have to continue to fight for not just equality but reparations and the destruction of the system now as we know it. We are superior in everything except organizing ourselves and that is largely at fault to the powers that be in this country. The system is corrupt therefor the entire country is corrupted.