GoonMilkTV vol.14 GANG Ties
Xmas for the past atleast 6 years has been lit thanks to my bro bday kickbacks! The Gang pulls up to HQ, we gather around the fire and just enjoy another year of friends, family, and good times. Fogues Bday/Xmas eve kickback is tradition, even though half the gang is in Cali now and he’s probably only in town a week I knew I wasn’t missing seeing my guys this year.

God Bless the Homeless
My favorite living Artist Banksy brings awareness to Homelessness in his latest Christmas mural in Birmingham.

GoonMilkTV vol.12 “For Inspirational Purposes Only”
Handed out the first five hoodies of our 💯HoodiesForTheHomeless Challenge! Donate today only at GoonMilk.co

This Winter GoonMilk will donate 100 Hoodies to the Homeless in efforts of keeping our community warm through the harsh winter months. In order to reach our Goal we will need all the help we can get and thats where you; my G.O.O.N.S., come in and can assist us by donating anything you can monetarily to our cause. Hoodies are approximately $20 a piece including printing. We are shooting for the Goal of $2000 by April. Contact Avante@goonmilk.co for time and location of the distribution of hoodies throughout the upcoming months!