GoonMilkTV vol.25 “I Survived 2020”

GoonMilkTV vol.25 “I Survived 2020”

I set a few goals for 2020 and looking back at this Recap I literally crushed every single one of them two-three times over. 2021 will be even greater because if you can survive everything 2020 threw at you, you can withstand anything. Literally the worst year the world has seen in the last 50 years, more deaths than any war the world has seen, Global warming, Kobe, Aliens, Trump, Police Brutality, Covid, Wild Fires, Tsunamis, Twin Hurricanes at the same time, the Election… It was all bad. But the motto is Getting Out Of Negative Situations so that’s exactly what I did. Made lemonade out of Lemons, a way out of nothing, and documented every step of the way.

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Family, Life, Promotion Avante Davis Family, Life, Promotion Avante Davis


First and foremost I want to express my gratitude to my family and my mom especially! Not only is she the strongest person I know but also the most positive influence in my life and for that I thank you immensely!

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