GoonMilkTV vol.19 "Its Up and its Stuck!"
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First and foremost prayers up to our essential workers in this pandemic carrying the whole country on their back. This Coronavirus has produced some of the wildest circumstances and occurrences that I’ve ever seen in my 31 years. Crackhead Boxing Matches for money, IG live is actual television, People can’t sit still, The Beaches are opening but not the Barber shops and Salons… Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while I’ve honestly just been keeping my head down, working, minding my business, and trying to keep my mind off all this madness. I bought a new camera and thats really all my mind has been on; where i’m gonna shoot, who, how I’m gonna edit it, just learning how to create in a new art form, not really new to me but with my first professional camera of my own..