Well its a GoonMilk Roll Call!
Canvas Kids
Last Friday I had the chance to devote some time towards our youth. It was my pleasure to be present especially in a time where Role Models are scarce, there’s a much larger generational gap that’s continuingly growing. These kids are smarter, more advanced than ever before at their age.
Ugly Xmas Sweater SZN
Yesterday I had the pleasure of creating a Ugly Sweater for my Good men Nick and Hoffa of Stamped Mob. They throw lit ass functions every month so I usually get to print customs for them all the time. This instance was just hilarious because on one hand I have creative free will to create for Nick, and on the other I got Hoffa getting me to create possibly the funniest ugly sweater I’ve ever seen! Ill let you guys be the judge of that though.
2 FOR $40 FRIDAYS!!!
If you haven’t been following the GoonMilk Brand, if you didnt follow me on Social Media, or if you’ve just been living under a rock in the DMV for the past year… I print custom tees and apparel for any and every occasion!