One Time For The Camera Man
Culture, Community, Photography, Art Avante Davis Culture, Community, Photography, Art Avante Davis

One Time For The Camera Man

In a world where your instagram profile is as important as your resume and every moment is documented whether its a birthday fit or a night out with the gang. But with everyone having a camera phone, the lack of respect for actual photographers is at an all time high lol.That being said, one of the greatest things about the Alumni is the Professional Photo Booth and being able to get that printed photo like back in the Gogo. Maybe its me being “old” but that was our first IG, a wall full of Gogo pictures.

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Family, Culture, Community, Music, Life, Promotion Avante Davis Family, Culture, Community, Music, Life, Promotion Avante Davis


The DMV and the universe lost a great soul this week.

I can go on for days about the parties, the Valentines Day playlists, Trillectro, but the Guy was so much cooler than the headlines he seldom took credit for. Definition of stand up guy, had his own style, and fathered a lot of these DJ’s style coming up these days. Not to mention how much of an influence him and Modi were on blogging, giving me endless pointers and help whenever needed way back when i was blogging on Blogspot.

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GoonMilkTV vol.16 “Do The Work.”
Community, Culture, Family, Promotion Avante Davis Community, Culture, Family, Promotion Avante Davis

GoonMilkTV vol.16 “Do The Work.”

This episode of GoonMilkTV is dedicated to the amazing job done within the community by Azel Prather and the Prather Foundation! Providing positive vibes for not only his students but for kids all around the DMV area. Being praised by countless News outlets, featured on Ellen, and still having the time to host events, clubs, parties and comedy shows! Azel is the definition of Doing the Work! Proud to not only call Zel my friend but even more proud because he’s family! Watching him come into his own lane with these kids as well as comedy and everything else has motivated me and countless others around the area and country. Shoutout to all those that made all this possible, it takes a village, a dream village.

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GoonMilkTV vol.14 GANG Ties
Family, Community, Promotion Avante Davis Family, Community, Promotion Avante Davis

GoonMilkTV vol.14 GANG Ties

Xmas for the past atleast 6 years has been lit thanks to my bro bday kickbacks! The Gang pulls up to HQ, we gather around the fire and just enjoy another year of friends, family, and good times. Fogues Bday/Xmas eve kickback is tradition, even though half the gang is in Cali now and he’s probably only in town a week I knew I wasn’t missing seeing my guys this year.

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Good to See someone EAT'n
Community, Fashion, Life, Promotion, Culture Avante Davis Community, Fashion, Life, Promotion, Culture Avante Davis

Good to See someone EAT'n

DC based Streetwear brand EAT has a new, New Balance shoe dropping this Friday with Shoe City. Im proud to see our area getting national recognition in the shoe game as well as streetwear. Seeing how their brand has grown over these last few years I have nothing but respect for those guys over there, and continuing to push our culture into the forefront of fashion and shoes where our area belongs.

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