GoonMilkTV vol.25 “I Survived 2020”
I set a few goals for 2020 and looking back at this Recap I literally crushed every single one of them two-three times over. 2021 will be even greater because if you can survive everything 2020 threw at you, you can withstand anything. Literally the worst year the world has seen in the last 50 years, more deaths than any war the world has seen, Global warming, Kobe, Aliens, Trump, Police Brutality, Covid, Wild Fires, Tsunamis, Twin Hurricanes at the same time, the Election… It was all bad. But the motto is Getting Out Of Negative Situations so that’s exactly what I did. Made lemonade out of Lemons, a way out of nothing, and documented every step of the way.

GoonMilkTV vol.24 Summer Summary
Shoutout to everyone that helped not only keep me sane through all of this, but taught me valuable lessons I needed to learn through trial and fire. Proud of every move I made.

Would You Just Accept it If we Murdered your Children?
This weekend the entire world has erupted in Protest against the egregious acts of not only our Law enforcement, but our President, and Racism as a whole. I spent it walking the walk and talking the talk with my people in protest and documenting everything in our nations capital, Washington DC . The media will try to portray this as anarchy and mayhem, which it was, but there was a lot of love and compassion for those being wronged and standing up for themselves in a system that has continuously held them under a bending knee. The feeling of togetherness, family, and raw emotion from so many different creeds of people at one time was a vibe you could never create and Im proud of every single person that came out and continues to cry out for the rights and just treatment of all people but specifically Black people in America. We built this country and most certainly can tear it down! Im still rooting for whoever looting! they side eye us when we come in their stores, refuse to hire us, won’t stand with us and use the stores as a shelter for aiding protesters, but Im supposed to put a business with insurance for these type of things priority over human life? NAH. Take this L America and do right by the people who fuel this country or watch it burn, fuck it Im riding wit mines…

GoonMilkTV vol.19 "Its Up and its Stuck!"
Premium 3 pack tees available now on the site! Enter Promo Code: HailZelLive all weekend for a Friends and Family Discount! Sale Ends Sunday May 31st at Midnight!

Stumbled on this clip from the film blindspotting. Powerful scene but apart of me wish he blew his head off just to give the audience the realness of the situation.
Check it out

Sick and tired!
Another black man slain at the hands of racist police. I don’t have any words for it other than how utterly ridiculous it is that during a pandemic Black people have to riot and raise hell because of the racist injustices the people hired to protect us. I didn’t even watch the video it’s all the same to me now… black men being killed isn’t even shocking to me anymore, and that’s the scary part, it’s become the norm.
Also I just find it funny #They can protest with guns drawn but when a black crowd protests its tear gas and riot gear. When #They stormed government buildings with assault rifles they had a police escort damn near.