GoonMilkTV vol.17 "I need a vacation"
Travel, Life, Film, Food, Family, Culture, Promotion Avante Davis Travel, Life, Film, Food, Family, Culture, Promotion Avante Davis

GoonMilkTV vol.17 "I need a vacation"

February, My Mom, Me, E, and 20 other friends and family took a cruise vacation around a few Caribbean Islands including St. Thomas, St. Maarten, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, and Barbados. We had the time of our lives partying and enjoying the beautiful weather and views as we took tours, hit beaches, and turned up the entire trip.

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Im Back and Im Better!
Family, Life, Travel, Promotion, Culture Avante Davis Family, Life, Travel, Promotion, Culture Avante Davis

Im Back and Im Better!

Taking a vacation once a year with my family is imperative to my creative process and clearing my head. Especially after being sick with the flu/cold the week before. My family is my everything, it’s what I work for, Its what motivates me to get up every morning. Seeing my Mommas happy and enjoying every moment of this trip is something I will forever hold dear to my heart. Heres a few pics before I drop a full Recap. I had a whole blog post written up but then my macbook died and yeah nah i’m not doing that again lol.

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Promotion, Life Avante Davis Promotion, Life Avante Davis


No matter what you been through, no matter how down you feel, no matter how bad you’ve messed up, you still have value! You can still get out of any negative situation! You are still worthy!

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Keeping the Same Energy
Life, Promotion Avante Davis Life, Promotion Avante Davis

Keeping the Same Energy

After a month of focusing on my own personal growth and solitude from social media, friends, and distractions I have found peace and a certain calmness in not bothering people and not letting them bother me. I’ve become more consistent with my business and clientele as well as crushing personal goals in just a month’s time that I thought were farfetched and unattainable.

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Life, Promotion Avante Davis Life, Promotion Avante Davis


Getting thru the daily bullshit can be a task and I often find myself looking thru old video clips to find inspiration. Clips I relate to, clips I think could help others, and just clips that speak to me personally.

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