GoonMilkTV vol.25 “I Survived 2020”

GoonMilkTV vol.25 “I Survived 2020”

I set a few goals for 2020 and looking back at this Recap I literally crushed every single one of them two-three times over. 2021 will be even greater because if you can survive everything 2020 threw at you, you can withstand anything. Literally the worst year the world has seen in the last 50 years, more deaths than any war the world has seen, Global warming, Kobe, Aliens, Trump, Police Brutality, Covid, Wild Fires, Tsunamis, Twin Hurricanes at the same time, the Election… It was all bad. But the motto is Getting Out Of Negative Situations so that’s exactly what I did. Made lemonade out of Lemons, a way out of nothing, and documented every step of the way.

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Last Saturday I had the chance to shoot a charity flag football event #100Projects “Tackling the Digital Divide” thrown by my good friend Myrtis, creator of #100Projects and hosted by XFL wide receiver of the Washington Defenders, AJ Hendy. I also donated 30 shirts towards the event and the cause; providing learning tablets and laptops to underprivileged DC public school kids.

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GoonMilkTV vol.22 Family Matters
Family, Culture, Film, Photography, Travel Avante Davis Family, Culture, Film, Photography, Travel Avante Davis

GoonMilkTV vol.22 Family Matters

Last week Zel and Aja invited me to come get some shots and footage of the family as they take their annual trip to Deep Creek Lake, Maryland. A much needed week of relaxation after my Birthday and a break from everything back home. I appreciate my family as huge as it is on both sides. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without the support and encouragement from my Family and friends.

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Big 32
Family, Culture, Community, Food, Life, Photography Avante Davis Family, Culture, Community, Food, Life, Photography Avante Davis

Big 32

This weekend I celebrated my 32nd Birthday with my family and friends Grilling and watching Playoff basketball. Enjoyed the down time and love recieved from everyone that pulled up, texted, called, posted and or tweeted me! The love is mutual and so appreciated! The heartfelt messages of Inspiration were the highlight of my year let alone my Birthday!

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The Yacht Party
Photography, Promotion, Life, Film, Community, Art, Family, Travel Avante Davis Photography, Promotion, Life, Film, Community, Art, Family, Travel Avante Davis

The Yacht Party

My first gig with the Sony 6400 was a few weeks ago for the Homie Chef Charisma and her folk’s 50th Birthday Yacht Party on the Potomac. Charisma provided the brunch buffet. It was a boat full of good vibes and plenty champagne. I couldn’t believe how full of life and good Mrs. Jarvalin looked for her 50th Birthday! We all had an amazing time blasting gogo, cruising from the Fort Washington Marina to the National Harbor and back. I wanted to rent a boat and do this in miami but the YT Pipo in Miami don’t like to rent to the negroes

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Slime SZN
Travel, Promotion, Photography, Life, Film, Family, Community Avante Davis Travel, Promotion, Photography, Life, Film, Family, Community Avante Davis

Slime SZN

With everything going on in a black man’s head these days it shouldn’t be a question as to why one would risk his life for a vacation… we risking our lives any other day might as well spend it on a beach with a beautiful woman and a blunt. And truth be told I enjoyed every second of it, yeah it was risky, yeah the numbers went up, yeah they closed the strip clubs back up, but nonetheless I ate/drank/smoked good, saw things I always wanted to check out, and spent it with people I care for and care for me. Shoutout B and Brandee for the hospitality, and a big thank you to Big Kota for just riding with a nigga, you guys made the trip worthwhile! Got some great footage and gonna make a movie out of it all soon…

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Promotion, Culture, Fashion, Life, Photography Avante Davis Promotion, Culture, Fashion, Life, Photography Avante Davis


First and foremost I just want to say Fuck the United States of America for making the fourth a holiday and just now recognizing Juneteenth. Secondly we as a people still aren’t free after 400 years of slavery, 100 years plus of oppression, systematic racism and hate. Racism didn’t end they just started throwing rocks and hiding their hands, hiding behind badges instead of hoods. The entire world is paying attention now and we have to continue to fight for not just equality but reparations and the destruction of the system now as we know it. We are superior in everything except organizing ourselves and that is largely at fault to the powers that be in this country. The system is corrupt therefor the entire country is corrupted.

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Family First

Family First

It’s really an amazing feeling getting money with your family when it works out beneficial for both parties. This month has been exponentially better because of my family and how they’ve not only persevered through this pandemic, as well as, used GoonMilk to capitalize on business ventures, collaborate with eachother, and support one another in a time of literal chaos. I can’t thank Chuck, Zel, E, Randy, Jordan, Rocket, Tim, Or anyone else who’s not only been by my side but in my corner fearlessly as we navigate through this thing called life.

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Would You Just Accept it If we Murdered your Children?

Would You Just Accept it If we Murdered your Children?

This weekend the entire world has erupted in Protest against the egregious acts of not only our Law enforcement, but our President, and Racism as a whole. I spent it walking the walk and talking the talk with my people in protest and documenting everything in our nations capital, Washington DC . The media will try to portray this as anarchy and mayhem, which it was, but there was a lot of love and compassion for those being wronged and standing up for themselves in a system that has continuously held them under a bending knee. The feeling of togetherness, family, and raw emotion from so many different creeds of people at one time was a vibe you could never create and Im proud of every single person that came out and continues to cry out for the rights and just treatment of all people but specifically Black people in America. We built this country and most certainly can tear it down! Im still rooting for whoever looting! they side eye us when we come in their stores, refuse to hire us, won’t stand with us and use the stores as a shelter for aiding protesters, but Im supposed to put a business with insurance for these type of things priority over human life? NAH. Take this L America and do right by the people who fuel this country or watch it burn, fuck it Im riding wit mines…

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Paying Homage
Fashion, Culture, Film, Life, Photography, Promotion Avante Davis Fashion, Culture, Film, Life, Photography, Promotion Avante Davis

Paying Homage

When I was a Freshman in college at 18 I saw Morgan State as a fashion show everyday as people wore their best outfits to 8am classes, hair done, make up beat, and I just couldn’t fathom putting that much focus on looks at the time cause I was an Engineering Major flooded with math courses. So I said fuck it Im gonna stick to the basics and load up on Polo Tees to stay fresh. A fresh tee everyday for maybe like 4 months.

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Life, Photography, Culture, Art, Film, Promotion, Fashion Avante Davis Life, Photography, Culture, Art, Film, Promotion, Fashion Avante Davis


First and foremost prayers up to our essential workers in this pandemic carrying the whole country on their back. This Coronavirus has produced some of the wildest circumstances and occurrences that I’ve ever seen in my 31 years. Crackhead Boxing Matches for money, IG live is actual television, People can’t sit still, The Beaches are opening but not the Barber shops and Salons… Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while I’ve honestly just been keeping my head down, working, minding my business, and trying to keep my mind off all this madness. I bought a new camera and thats really all my mind has been on; where i’m gonna shoot, who, how I’m gonna edit it, just learning how to create in a new art form, not really new to me but with my first professional camera of my own..

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From Paris with LoVe
Fashion, Culture, Travel, Promotion, Photography, Art Avante Davis Fashion, Culture, Travel, Promotion, Photography, Art Avante Davis

From Paris with LoVe

Don C and Kristen Noel Crawley are fashionably my favorite couple. If I had to model a high end luxury relationship in 2020 it’d be these two, followed by “College Dropout” Kanye and Alexis Phifer or Pharrell and Vashtie in 04. That’s my top 3 fashionable couples of all time. Honorable mention ASAP Rocky and Chanel Iman.

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Flashback Friday
Fashion, Life, Photography Avante Davis Fashion, Life, Photography Avante Davis

Flashback Friday

Two years ago this week I graduated from Mastered as a Fashion Stylist! Seems just yesterday I was hustlin for tuition each month and complaining about the lack of classmates in the area. Being in an online program that had you do group projects with people coming from two n three states away is a task in itself. All in all it was a great experience and I wouldn’t trade the knowledge gained for anything. The biggest plus of being a Mastered Alumni is the network of talent that you can still contact and connect with, as well as the star studded group of instructors that we learned from.

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